But the Jews, I shall be told, are incapable of being reformed, because they are absolutely worthless. I reply, that we see few of them commit murder, or other enormous crimes, that call forth public vengeance; but their abominable meanness produces base actions. Mr Michaelis assures us, that in Germany, of twenty-five criminals imprisoned or condemned, twenty-four are always Jews. This is the assertion of Mr. Michaelis--but, in the first place, an assertion is no proof. The truth of this, however, might have been easily ascertained, by examining and producing the criminals. Secondly, supposing the circumstances to be as true as it is doubtful, this would prove nothing but against the German Jews; and lastly, it would still be necessary to establish as a certainty that this perversity proceeds immediately from their religion, or their natural disposition. That it is not inspired by the law, is evident; shall we believe, then, that it is innate? Some peevish philosophers, indeed, have pretended, that man is born wicked; but happily for the honor and comfort of humanity, this system has been banished to the class of absurd and mortifying hypotheses. So many laws made against the Jews, always suppose in them a natural and indelible worthlessness; but these laws, which are the fruit of hatred or prejudice, have no other foundation but the motive which gives rise to them. This perversity is not so inherent in their character as to affect every individual. We see talents and virtues shine forth in them wherever they begin to be treated as men, especially in the territories of the Pope, which have so long been their terrestrial paradise; in Holland, Prussia, and even among us. Hertz and Bloch render the Jewish nation illustrious at present in Germany; and the Hague is honored by a Pinto. We must, therefore, believe these people susceptible of morality, until we are shown, that they have invincible obstacles in their physical organization, and in their religious and moral consittution.

Let us cherish morality, but let us not be so unreasonable as to require it of those whom we have compelled to become vicious. Let us reform their education, to reform their hearts; it has long been observed, that they are men as well as we, and they are so before they are Jews.

Mr. Michaelis objects also, that this nation being in constant opposition to general manners, will never become patriotic. We allow that it will be difficult to incorporate them into universal society; but between difficulty and impossibility, there is the same difference as between impossibility and possibility. I have myself remarked, and even proved, that hitherto the Jews have been invariable in their manners and customs; but the greater part of their customs are not contrary to civil functions; and with regard to those which may appear to be incompatible with the duties of the citizen, they are preserved only by the uniformity of the conduct, which all nations observe towards them.

An Essay on the Physical, Moral, and Political Reformation of the Jews

Abbe Gregoire