What is the exact meaning of the frantic campaign organized by the Jewry of the entire world in order to panic France, dishonor the French Army and thereby make us incapable of playing a role in Europe? This campaign means quite simply that the combination of interests which make up Jewry has chosen to oppose France, pushes for the destruction of France, and finds it in its interest that France cease to be a European Great Power. It seems to me quite useless in these articles, which are written from a social and philosophical viewpoint, to give way on this subject to childish indignation and vain histrionics. If the circumstances were such that I was invested with an authority which would permit me to save my country, I would turn the leading Jews and their accomplices over to a court martial which would have them shot. But, on theoretical and speculative grounds, I find it quite normal and quite logical that the Jews are doing what they are doing. To think otherwise would be to fall into the typical French mania of finding themselves so likable that they think that everyone else must like them. The Jews used to have a nationality; they lost it through their divisiveness and their total lack of any instinct for order or hierarchy. Thanks to their genius as conspirators and traffickers, they have reconstituted a money Power which is formidable, not only on account of the innate power which money possesses, but also because the Jews have diminished or destroyed the other Powers so that theirs alone remained standing; because they have modeled, shaped, molded a society in which money is the true master of everything This money Power, like all powers, looks only after its own interests. It goes in the direction which seems the most profitable. During the Revolution, it was with us; then it supported Bonaparte; in 1815, it was clearly against him, and, at Waterloo, with Rothschild it fought as energetically as Wellington. It was for the Second Empire, in the beginning, and it was against it at the end. It was working for Germany, it was subsidizing the republican journals that backed Ferry's viewpoint,' just as today it subsidizes the international and anarchist newspapers; it was preparing our destruction then, just as it prepares it again today. After our disasters, this Power rallied to us. It gave us the appearance or the illusion of revival and of prosperity through financial activity, and it profited from this to make France a prey upon which the Jews of the entire world battened. The financiers looted our savings. The others invaded markets, the most fashionable stations in life, and shared among themselves the honors and decorations. Today the Jews think that there is nothing more to be got from us, aside perhaps from the remaining honorary baubles of the Exposition.2 They know that our treasury is empty, that the savings bank could not reimburse the millions which it has received. They realize the depth of the abyss concealed behind the false facade of our budgets. They are getting ready to liquidate France just as Spain was liquidated. If the Antisemites are unable to save France by the means which Danton used, the liquidation will soon take place in no time at all.3 Never, in fact, was there a graver time. We are going to see, we are seeing already, a new distribution of the world. The question was to know whether we would participate in this distribution or whether we would be excluded. When the Russian Alliance“ was concluded, it was decided that we would be in on it, today it no longer seems necessary to give us our share. The real aim of the campaign organized by the Jews, for whom Dreyfus was always only a pretext, has been the destruction of the force or the appearance of force which the Army gave to us, an Army which, only a few years ago, seemed really to be a factor with which Europe had to contend. An autocratic government like the Tsar's had to overcome many prejudices and predispositions in order to approach a government as unstable and as bizarre as ours. What decided the Tsar was obviously not the affection inspired by our politicians, it was that as yet imposing and solid mass which was the French Army, only three years ago. The Jews said to Russia: “Are you falling for that? You are naive. We are going to organize a consortium, to add a few millions to those which Germany will give us, assemble, consolidate and unite all the parasites of the press, all the vagabonds, all the maggots and the depraved of Panama and the Southern Railroads." After that you will see what will remain of the Army.
“Everyday you will be able to read in the newspapers, in enormous type, that General Mercier, who had the audacity to have arrested a perfidious Jew who betrayed the military secrets of France to Germany, must be put in prison. As for Boisdeffre, who was supposed to play the role of Moltke, the chief of the general staff, the general who signed his name to the Franco-Russian Military Convention, he will disappear pitifully without even trying to defend himself before a handful of wretches who would have all joined Baihaut at Mazas if Loubet had not perpetrated a genuine abuse by concealing the list of those involved in Panama from the law..."
The Jews did what they had announced, and it must be admitted that they performed this moral destruction of the French Army with unequaled virtuosity.
This explains to you why our rivals, our allies, or the allies which we would have been able to have, decided to leave us trying to extricate ourselves from the Dreyfus Affair while they preferred to use their time vigorously to enrich themselves.
England carved out an empire which goes from Alexandria to the Cape. She has let us know that we no longer had any business in that Egypt which we had resuscitated into civilized life, fertilized by our activity and our capital.
Russia created an Asian empire at least as formidable: she annexed Manchuria and has occupied Port Arthur.
America asserted itself as a conquering nation: she will take, whenever she wishes, those of our colonies which she finds suitable, as she took Cuba, and she will say…:
"Instead of protesting, you were nice enough to negotiate the treaty which consecrated the seizure of Cuba, and your newspapers were snobbish enough to present your incomprehensible participation in the stripping of a Latin nation as an homage to France. You cannot do better than to continue acting in the same way for your own possessions."
As for Germany, she awaits the event upon which all of Europe is already counting ... : the death of the Austrian Emperor which will be the signal for the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and which naturally enough bring about the return of the German provinces to the German Empire.
Doubtlessly, all these people with vast appetites find their neighbors' appetites more than meager, but they will end up by arranging things among themselves, by arbitrating at the expense of weaker nations the differences which they might have.
As for us, what would you have them do?... When he related his story of Fashoda, Delcassé was more applauded by the Chambre than if he placed on the tribune the flags of Sedan or Metz reconquered from the enemy... Nothing could translate the accent, not at all nasty but rather paternal and affectionate, with which M. Deschanel said to me when I came to pronounce the name of Fashoda: “M. Drumont, you are offending the feelings of the Chambre!"
It was less a president who was intervening than a well-brought-up host who noticed that the conversation was entering into subjects painful to his company and who would have said: "Could we not discuss something else?"
If the situation is like this already, what will happen when nations like England and Germany will have developed their full potential, will have become truly enormous? It would be mad to even think of fighting against them with a navy entrusted to this Lanessan who has been called the knight of heavy industry, with an army in which the Jews will be absolute masters, when the acquittal of Dreyfus will have proved that treason is a licit transaction, when Picquart, cleaned up, restored, and promoted will have retaken his place on the general staff.
It is then that the Powers will look upon France with eyes gleaming with that lust which Austria, Russia, and Prussia had when leering at Poland.
In the countries where an organized cannibalism reigns, one does not rush precipitously on human meat. Each takes his turn and marks with a pencil on the skin of the victims the pieces which he has chosen. The slaughter occurs when everything has been reserved. That is how it was with Poland. God help us that the same thing does not happen to France!
Note that all these perspectives and all these eventualities have been under discussion for a long time among those who attentively follow the trends of this century which has only in these last few years taken the shape which it will have in history. It ends, actually, quite differently than it had begun. After having been, at its birth, the apotheosis of Power, it culminates in the apotheosis of Money. It had two masters: Napoleon, in the beginning; Rothschild, personification of the Jewish Conquest, at its decline.
La France juive can now be understood better than when it first appeared (1886). It will only be fully understood in a few years. At each step, in effect, notations appear in it which events later clarify just as time brings out the architectural details lost in the flashy unveiling of a new monument.
Already in 1875 a Jew who is mostly forgotten today but who was then almost famous and who was, in any case, a most interesting and very curious spirit, Alexandre Weill, explained to me that France was obliged to undergo the same fate as Poland and that it would be good, in the best interests of Humanity, that the French, dispersed and countryless like the Poles, would go and spread throughout the world the general truths of civilization and progress.
Alexandre Weill, who died just recently, was already very old at the time. He was an old Hebrew prophet who had flashes of prophecy and of genius. He had a terrible fear of French Antisemitism, which, at the time, existed only in a latent state in the brain of a writer who awaited his hour and in the heart of thousands of beings who were waiting for a writer whom they did not know to speak for them. Alexandre Weill lived at the time, at the entrance to the Saint-Honoré neighborhood, and he usually went for a walk near noon under the arcades, free then, which extended under the guardhouse and the Ministry of the Navy, with some small white, frizzy-haired dogs, which were accustomed, it seems, to go out only at a particular time.
I have always been avid to learn and, returning from my newspaper, I used to exchange a few ideas with him… I thought that perhaps it had not been worth the effort to cut the throat of the descendant of forty kings only to be governed by the Rothschilds who occupy, just a few steps away, the mansion of the Infanta, and to hear it said that France would end up like Poland, by an old Jew who was walking his small, white, frizzy-haired dogs.
That is how, unknown even to me, the work of liberation was sprouting bit by bit in my heart.

The Jews Against France

Edouard Drumont