The Congress [of Berlin ] will certainly confirm the emancipation of Chris tians in the Balkans . With recourse to weapons if necessary , it is the task of the (Austro-Hungarian) monarchy to see to it that the freed Christian peoples do not fall under Russian despotism. (“ Bravo!”) Increasingly, the Mohammedan element is disappearing from Europe. Thus, among the Christian peoples of Europe , there is only one further element that wants to bring the (Christian) families of nations under the Slavic yoke—the Jews! It can be demonstrated with statistics that in a period of eighty-five years the Jews have increased almost 800 percent (in Hungary). These same statistical data also demonstrate that the Jewish element in Hungary has doubled every thirty years.
Since 710,000 Jews live in Hungary, there will be, according to this progression, 1.1 million in the year 1900; in the year 1930, 2.2 million; and continuing thus, in the year 2020, 17.6 million Jews will live in Hungary. That is, there will be twice as many Jews as the current total
population of the Kingdom of St. Stephen.
Including the eightfold increase of the Hebrews in the last eighty-five years, the total population of Hungary
has not even doubled. In fact, from 1869 to 1870, it declined by nearly 36,000 in Hungary and Transylvania Province. Of course, cholera and other epidemics were responsible for this. However, is a statistically demonstrable phenomenon of outstanding magnitude that cholera has spared the Jews. Yes, according to an old chronicle, the black plague that raged in the year 1548 snatched away almost no Jews. The Christians perished from it; even Petrarch’s Laura had to die, but the Jewesses and Jews remained alive.
Of what use was it that they were chased out of western Europe because they were accused of poisoning the wells? Or that Louis the Great chased them out of Hungary? The beautiful Jewess, Esther, beloved of the Polish king Casimir, knew how to procure a new homeland for them, the unfortunate land of Poland, which they have wholly brought to ruin.
From the statistics concerning Budapest, it can also be shown that the Jews, who live a sedentary life and prefer intellectual occupations, attain advanced ages and cannot be killed in epidemics. Yes, even war cannot affect them. Their numbers in the regular army and the militia are relatively slight; most of them are military doctors. Indeed, while we sacrifice ourselves in war, Jewish contractors become rich. Our poor race perishes while, to speak with Disraeli’s words, “the pure-blooded higher race flourishes."
We are faced with the danger that in two or three generations we shall be fully annihilated by the Jews. It is self-evident that this process will take place with fearful suffering, and we already feel the sad effect of this today. We in this house recriminate with one another about the evil of the day, forgetting completely the single, real cause of all evil--the iron ring around our necks, called Jew, which threatens to strangle us.
Shall we, in a few years, celebrate the thousandth anniversary of the existence of our fatherland, so that we can then bequeath it to the Jews?! It is fortunate for us that today there exists enough petty envy to prevent a Jew from becoming a (cabinet) minister,
but in time this, too, will cease. They will get everything into their hands, and we shall have to perish miserably . If we want to live, there can be no question about what we must do.
It is this way all over Europe. Jewish interests, Jewish politics, Jewish statesmen, Jewish journalists, Jewish financiers direct the destiny of all the great states and influence all governments. Jews are the
international agitators who incite Europe's Christians against one another, so as to destroy them through war, insofar as they have not already destroyed them through corruption.
There is only one means of remedying this great international evil: the Jews must be expelled from Europe. There has never been a better opportunity. Now is the time to correct the great historical error and to redress the injustice that we did
to the Jews when we drove them out of Palestine.
In Palestine the Jews will be in position to create a grand state. And since they are not fit for the military, they will constitute a model for the world in this respect too. The present condition in Europe is tenable for neither Jews nor Christians. An English newspaper representing the special interests of Jewry has, in fact, made a proposal in this vein: the Jewish empire ought to be reestablished in Palestine.
Today, when the national principle stands so strongly in the foreground, it can be carried out with respect to the Jews as well. If, after centuries, all the greater states of Europe have recovered their unity and independence, the Jews, after eighteen hundred years, can now be given back their empire too. In any case, they now form a state amid the states. All their striving, all their wishes are concentrated on a return to the great empire of a thousand years ago.
Indeed, they can be easily mobilized, for the largest part of their wealth is liquid; they can emigrate inside of forty-eight hours. The Jew acclimatizes himself quite easily and is devoted to his fatherland (which is wherever he happens to be living). He had his fling in the Orient, and now it is time that a people as progressive, educated, and endowed with great intellectual qualities as the Jewish people ought to take over a leadership role in the Orient. Additionally, it is well suited to do this given the racial relatedness to the Mohammedans. The Jews alone are called upon to effect the regeneration of the Mohammedan empire. [In the Orient] they can cultivate the aspirations that they now conceal because they are parasites on the Christians of Europe.
The innermost, secret wish of most Jews can now become reality if they can overcome those powerful Jews who have acquired power in Europe and for whom it is so very congenial to rule the world from London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, and Budapest. I appeal to the oft-mentioned patriotism of the Jews; they can now create their own empire; they will surely become a mightier, more influential state. My sincerest and best wishes will accompany the Jews.
May the Jews find this acceptable and cease their continuing efforts to exterminate the Christians.

Jews, the Iron Ring Around Our Necks

Gyoza Istoczy