The Jews do not scruple to kill a Christian and it must be permitted to them, if only it can be done conveniently, secretly, and without danger.
As to the use of Christian blood in this context...Pregnant Jewish women cannot give birth without it. The converted Jew Friedrich Samuel Brentz writes about this in his book: ‘if there is a Jewess present who cannot free herself of her womanly burden and who stands in great need, the rabbi or the eldest Jew takes a pure deerskin parchment and writes three easily discernible notes. The first he lays on her head, the next he puts into her mouth, and the third in her right hand. Then she gives birth. What kind of ink must be used for these notes is a complete secret. However, I have heard truthful and believable stories that the Jews sometimes buy or steal Christian children and then torture them. With their blood such notes are perhaps written; I know for a fact that they do not regard anything done against Gentiles, that is, against Christians, as a sin. They say also that it is better to deprive a Christian of life, for then a while generation of Satan shall be prevented’. These are the words of Brentz.
It is also mentioned that in former times during their Easter feast, Jews made use of Christain blood in their sweet cakes, which they call matzos, and mixed in their wine.
Undoubtedly, the Jews murder Christian children mostly at Easter because our Savior Jesus Christ was crucified then. They do it as a mockery of Him.
Let that be enough on this matter.

Judaism Exposed

Johann Andreas Eisenmenger